幼兒園大班英語教案《go shopping》

《大班英語教案《go shopping》》這是優秀的大班英語教案文章,希望可以對您的學習工作中帶來幫助!

  1. 能聽懂、會說本篇對話。
  2. 能運用會話中的句型進行擴展性的情景會話。
  3. 能聽懂、會說新單詞:purple, size, cool。
  5. 複習以前的內容,學新詞新句。




  A: Hello! Can I help you?
  B: Yes, I want a sweater for my daughter, please.
  A: How about this one?
  B: Oh, good. The size is OK.
  C: Mum, I don‘t like the colour.
  A: Do you like this purple one?
  C: Cool! That’s my favourite colour.
  B: How much is it?
  A: Sixty-eight yuan.
  B: Here‘s the money.
  A: Thanks.
  size 尺寸;大小
  purple 紫色的
  cool 棒的

  Step 1. Greetings
  T: Good morning, boys and girls. glad to meet you.
  Step 2. Presentation
  (1) Lead-in
  T: You know, I’m new here. I thought it would be hot inZhuha.But today itis cold. I‘m just in a blouse.
  Now I’m feeling a little cold. So I want to go shopping andbuy some warmclothes. (Read the title “shiopping”.)
  (2) Play a guessing game (課件:顯示屏上出現一些碎片,碎片慢慢擴大,變成一件毛衣)
  T: What am I going to buy? What do I want? Just guess and say:
  “YOu want...”
  T= the teacher C= the computer Ss= the students
  C: Can I help you?
  (Learn to say:“Can I helpyou?”)
  T: I want a sweater, sir.
  C: How about this one? (課件:售貨員拿出一件很大的毛衣。)
  T: I think it‘s too big.
  C: How about this one? (課件:售貨員拿出一件很小的毛衣。)
  T:How about this one? What do you think?
  Ss:It’s too small.
  C: How about this one? (課件:售貨員拿出一件對教師來說大小合適的毛衣。)
  (Learn to say:“How about...?”)
  T: I think the size is OK. Do you think so?
  (Learn to say:“size”.)
  (Read after the teacher:“The size is OK.”)
  T: The size is OK, sir. but I don‘t like this colour.
  C: What’s your favourite colour?
  T: What‘s my favourite colour is...(課件:毛衣隨着學生的回答變換顏色,並由此引出新授單詞“purple”。)
  (Learn to say:“purple”.)
  T: (take out a purple sweater)I like this purple sweater.
  (4) Play a game: Guess the price of the sweater.
  Ss: How much is it?
  S1 : ...yuan.
  (If the price S1 guess is too low, the teacher will say:“Up,
  up, up.”; if
  too high, the teacher will say:’‘ Down, down,
  down.“ Each students has three chances to guess.)
  After the students guess the price right, the teacher puts onthe purplesweater and asks the students “Am I cool?”
  (Leatn to say:“Cool”.)
  Step 3. Practice
  (1)Listen to the dialogue.
  T: What have you heard in the dialogue?
  (2)Listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence.
  (3)Pratice in groups of three.
  Step 4 Consolidation
  (1)Divide all the students into 5 groups: stationer’s, toyshop, clothesshop, fruit shop and food shop. Put some goods in eachshop. Get the students to do the shopping in groups.
  (2)Ask the students to go to different shops and buy differentthings.
  Step 5 Ending
  The students sing a song “Good-bye.”

小百科:購物,指在零售商揀選或購買貨品或服務的行爲,可視爲一種 經濟和休閒活動。購即爲買,物即爲所出售之物品。

大班英語教案《go shopping》這篇文章共4167字。


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