

  Teaching Aims

  短語:touch my……
  句型:This is a/an…… These are……

  Teaching Aids:五官圖片

  Teaching Ste
  一、 Warming Up
  Chant: Two Little Blackbirds
  二、 Daily Talk
  1、 A: Hi, Good morning. B: Morning. A: How are you?
  B: Fine, thank you. (And you?) A: Thank you.
  2、A: How do you do? B: How do you do? A: What day is it today? B: It’s Friday.
  3、A: What’s your name? B: My name is A .
  A: I’m John. Nice to see you, A . B: Nice to see you, too.
  4、A: How many people are there in your family? B: There’re five.
  A: Who are they? B: They are my father……
  5、A: How old are you? B: Six. A: Who’s your friend? B: Jim.
  6、A: What’s your telephone number? B: 65896246.
  7、A: What color is it? B: It’s red. A: What color do you like? B: I like pink and blue.
  三、To Review
  1、T: Look! What’s this? It’s a face. C: Face.
  T: What is on the face? (Point to the parts of the face.)
  C: This is an eye/ear/nose/mouth.
  2、T: Look at the face! How many eyes are there on the face? Let’s count!
  T&;am C: One, two.
  C: Two eyes.
  T: Good. But what’s this? This is an eye/ear. C: This is an eye/ear.
  T: What are these? These are eyes/ears. C: These are eyes/ears.
  T: What is mi ing? C: An eye/ear. A nose/mouth.
  T: What are mi ing? C: Eyes/ears.
  T: An ear mi ing. Right?(Cover two ears with a hand.) C: No. Ears.
  T: Very good. You’re right./You’re very smart.
  T: Let’s draw the eye/ear/nose/mouth. I say and you draw. For example, if I say:“Draw one eye”. Please draw one eye on this face. OK?
  T: Now, Let’s play another game. Please do as I ask you to. For example, if I say, “Touch your nose”. Please find and touch your nose with your finger and say, “I touch my nose”. OK?
  T: Touch your eye/eyes.
  C: I touch my eye/eyes.
  T: You can do this game with your friend.
  四、Song: Eye and Ear



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